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​New Vision Lecture 50:Chile:Economy, Culture anourisd Tm


On 7th January, Professor Sergio Ălvarez Illesca of Universidad Santo Tomás delivered a lecture on Chilean economy, culture and tourism in the Room 103 of the NO. 9 Teaching Building, North Campus. Associate Professor Huang Lei, a well-know scholar of MBA, presides over the lecture.

A Full House of Audience

In the beginning, Associate Professor Huang Lei expressed warm welcome to Pro. Sergio Ălvarez Illesca and the Indian students of the winter study group. As Huang mentioned, globalization has tied Chile and China in good relationship. We share a common destiny. 

Associate Professor Huang Lei

Professor Sergio Ălvarez Illesca studied economy in Univerdad De Chile and Universidad Santo Tomás. In this lecture, Pro. Sergio Ălvarez Illesca gave a introduction to the history of Chilean economy. According to professor, Chilean economy came to resolve around autarchy “fundos” after 15th century and then enjoyed a steady economic increase. 

Professor Sergio Ălvarez Illesca

In the second part, Pro. Sergio Ălvarez Illesca asked a question: what are the milestones that have occured between Chile and China that give rise to FTA? Many students actively participant in the section and at least 20 answers are given to the question. According to Pro. Sergio Ălvarez Illesca, FTA is a milestone in foreign trade between China and Chile. FTA is a must with globalization gaining momentum and many factors contribute to it. Then Pro. Sergio Ălvarez Illesca introduce the culture and tourism to the students. Students are all enchanted by the unique culture and geographical beauty of Chile. 

The audience benefited a lot from the lecture presented by Professor Sergio Ălvarez Illesca, and they expressed their appreciation to him. At the end, several questions were put forward by the audience and Pro. Sergio Ălvarez IllescaI answered them with patience. The lecture ended with a round of applause.
