


    时间:2013-04-02 浏览:



    论坛的主题报告来源于题为“International Study of On-Work and Off-Work BehaviorDecision-making and Risk Taking: Cross-cultural and Individual Influences with Evidences from a Multi-Country Study”的合作论文。该论文由美国加州州立大学的邝国强(Dr. Kern Kwong)、麦古尼(Dr. Stephen McGuire)、维纳-普拉布(Dr. Veena Prabhu)、我校的孙晓琴、申明浩、俄罗斯联邦政府财政金融大学的亚历山大-伊林斯基(Dr. IIyinsky Alexander以及菲律宾德拉萨大学的罗伯特-Dr. Robert Tang联合完成。论坛上,各高校的学者代表们针对联合研究的成果,做了精彩的展示报告,教授们深入浅出的报告,幽默诙谐、机智风趣,会场上笑声不断。





    : 亚太研究交流与教育发展论坛获奖名单

    最佳教研奖(The Pedagogical Award

    Exploring the Impact of OnlineCommunities of Practice in IT Educationwritten by Ebenezer Uy and Eusebio Yu (De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde)

    最佳论文奖(The Best Research Paper):

    Zhu Dandans Promotions (A), written by Shaozhuang Ma(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

    最佳导师(The Outstanding Mentor):

    Dr. Alexander DidenkoFinancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    最佳学生论文奖(The Best Student Paper):

    Impact of financial crises on patterns of information processing and sharing by market traders written by Alexander Didenko , Ekaterina Storubleva ,Valeriy Barmin , Katerina Lebedeva (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

    Can emotional labor translate into the understanding of leadership? written by Yang Yi ,Caodie Peng, Xiaoping Chu (Sun Yat-Sen University)

    A Group Level Analysis Examining the Mediating Role of Affective Trust in the Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors written by Joseph Erik Y. Nepomuceno, Patricia Anne P. Fresnoza, Meryll Liane S. Ching, and Earl Kristopher O. Tan (De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde)

    Cycle-adjusted capital market expectations under Black-Litterman Framework in global tactical asset allocation written by Alexander Didenko , Tatjana Goroshnikova, Anna Mikaelyan, Daria Litovchenko (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

    Shanzhai: Chinas Version of Antitrust written by Zhao Zile, Shen Minghao, Sui Guangjun and Fu Yu (Jinan University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

    最佳案例奖(The Best Case):

    Can the giant elephant perform a beautiful waltz? —— an analysis of TCL internationalization strategy written by Yixin Zhang, Yanbo Zhou, Xiaying Zou (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

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