


    时间:2013-11-18 浏览:

    1117日上午,对外经济贸易大学副校长张新民受聘我校“客座教授”,并就财务报表分析方法谈了传统与创新的实践。讲座开始前,我校副校长何传添与张新民就美国注册管理会计师CMA项目签署战略合作协议, 美国管理会计师协会(IMA)北京代表处首席代表白俊江向我校授牌,我校成为该项目在华南地区首家合作伙伴。










    Prof. Zhang Xinmin: the Tradition and Innovation for Financial Statement Analysis

    On the morning of Nov. 17th, Prof. Zhang Xinmin, the Deputy Principal of UniversityofInternational Businessand Economics (UIBE), was employed as a visiting professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) and gave a lecture on the tradition and innovation for financial statement analysis. Before the lecture, Prof. He Chuantian, the Deputy Principal of GDUFS signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Prof. Zhang Xinmin on Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Program. Mr. Bai Junjiang, Chief Representative of Beijing Representative Office for the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), awarded our university as the first partner inSouth China.

    With a vivid example, Prof. Zhang Xinmin commenced the lecture. Financial analysis comes from western countries andChinadidn’t adopt it until the 1978 reform and opening up. Many of the textbooks rendered into Chinese divorce from the reality ofChinaand traditional ways of financial analysis are not fully applicable to the current economic environment featured Chinese characteristics.

    Innovatively analyzing financial statements may help us find clues to corporate strategy, management and competence, quality and effectiveness, value, cost decision mechanism, risk and outlook, said Prof. Zhang Xinmin.

    For a corporation, its loan ratio counts more than its debt ratio on the matter of risk and its value is shown by the degree that how much its business and resource structures match. ‘If one product overweighs others in the business structure, on the one hand, it shows the product is competitive; on the other hand, it indicates that other product lines are not developing balanced. Since idle resources are everywhere, the unit cost goes up, and the gross margin goes down.’ explained Prof. Zhang Xinmin. After the lecture, Prof. Zhang, together with students, discussed issues on the authenticity of market information disclosure and the distortion of financial statements.

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