


    时间:2014-05-21 浏览:

    Topic: Breakthrough to the CenterBrain. Breakout with innovation.

    Time: PM 1330-1530, May 25, 2014

    Speaker: Professor James A. Ebel

    Venue: Room 103, Teaching Building No. 9

    Jim Ebel:

    Harrison/Omnicom Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications

    As the Harrison/Omnicom Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications, Jim Ebel joined the WVU

    Perley Isaac Reed School of Journalism in August 2011 and teaches copy writing and health car

    marketing communications for the School’s Integrated Marketing Communications online graduate

    program. Ebel has served as an Executive-in-Residence at the College of Business at the University of

    Tennessee at Chattanooga, teaching capstone and undergraduate courses in entrepreneurship. He has

    been asked to guest lecture at several universities including Baylor, Marquette, and the University of

    Mississippi where he held the position of Chief Marketing Officer. His corporate positioning workshop,

    The CenterBrain Institute, has been attended by a wide range of corporate marketers and entrepreneurs.

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