

    广东外语外贸大学商学院MBA教育中心国际生学费管理规定Provision for Tuition Fee Management of International Students in MBA Education Center, School of Business, GDUFS

    时间:2017-04-20 浏览:



    第一条 为进一步规范和完善学院教育收费管理工作,维护学院及国际生的合法权益,根据学校相关收费管理规定,结合我院实际情况,制定本规定。

    第二条 本规定所称“学费”是指商学院MBA教育中心按照学校规定应当向学校缴纳的学费。

    第三条 本规定适用于具有广东外语外贸大学商学院MBA教育中心学籍的国际留学生(以下简称国际生)。

    第四条 国际生学费参照大学每年审核通过的MBA在职班的收费标准收取,学费分两年两次缴清。收费标准经学校批准后有调整的,按照学校新标准执行(具体收费标准见当年国际生招生简章)。

    第五条 国际生应在每学期开学后一周内缴清本学年学费。凭学费发票到留学生教育学院购买保险并办理签证(老生还需提供MBA中心出具的上个学期出勤表现证明)。未按期缴纳学费的学生不得办理签证。

    第六条 全日制国际生学制为2年,在职班国际生学制为3年。国际生如未能在学制之内顺利毕业,可申请延期毕业,但最长不得超过2年。延期毕业需缴纳延期学费,学费标准为商学院MBA教育中心当年应当向学校缴纳的学费。

    第七条 国际生因特殊原因申请休学的,必须在开学前提交书面申请,经MBA教育中心批准的,学费可在复学时延用。开学当日申请则视为已入学,学费不得延用;休学学期若欠费的,复学后应补齐所欠学费,并交齐该学年的学费。

    第八条 如无特殊情况,所交学费自当学期开学之日起不予退还,在当学期开学前提出申请的可退回80%。

    第九条 国际生缴纳一学年学费后,若在第二学期开学前中途要求退学,必须提出书面申请并经MBA中心批准。第一个学期学费不退,第二学期学费退还80%。但我中心将通知我校留学生院,由其通知出入境管理处变更其居留许可或签证。

    第十条 根据有关财务规定,凡退费者必须交回原始收据,否则不予办理退款手续。

    第十一条 未按照学院规定缴清学费的国际生,不予注册且不予办理在华签证;毕业年级的国际生,不予办理学位授予工作。

    第十二条 本规定自颁布之日起实施,从广东外语外贸大学商学院MBA教育中心2016级及以后录取的国际生开始执行。学院其他规定与本规定不一致的以本规定为准。

    第十三条 本规定参照《广东外语外贸大学留学生教育学院留学生管理规定》做出进一步规定,由商学院解释并执行。




    Provision for Tuition Fee Management of

    International Students in MBA Education Center,

    School of Business, GDUFS

    Article 1 According to relevant provisions of tuition fee management in GDUFS and combining with actual conditions of our school, this Provision is made to further regulate and improve the management of tuition charge in MBA Education Center, School of Business, as well as to protect the legal right of international students.

    Article 2 The term “Tuition Fee” as used in this Provision shall mean the tuition that MBA Education Center, School of Business should pay to GDUFS according to provisions of GDUFS.

    Article 3 This Provision should apply to international students with student status granted by MBA Education Center, School of Business, and GDUFS (hereinafter referred to as “international students”).

    Article 4 The tuition fee of international students should be charged referring to the approved charging standard of part-time MBA, which should be paid up twice in the first 2 years. If the charging standard is adjusted with approval of the university, international students should conform to the new standard (please refer to the charging standard in the International Students Enrollment Guidelines of the year).

    Article 5 International students should pay up all tuition fee of the school year in the first week after the term begins. Students go to Institute for International Education to buy insurance and then apply student visa with tuition invoice. For the keep-on-study students, they should also provide the attendance certificate issued by MBA Education Center. Those who do not pay tuition on time are not supposed to apply student visa.

    Article 6 Full-time MBA would take 2 years, part-time MBA would take 3 years. If the international students could not graduate during the length of schooling, they could apply for at most 2 school years’ postponing graduation. The students should pay tuition fee of the deferment period, and the charging standard is the tuition that MBA Education Center, School of Business should pay to GDUFS according to provisions of GDUFS.

    Article 7 International students who apply for suspension of schooling due to special reasons have to submit written application form before school begins. With the approval of MBA Education Center, international students could continue to use their tuition fee when they are back to school. If the students ask for that on the date the school begins, they will be viewed as having been enrolled and could not continue to use their tuition fee when back to school; if they have arrearage of tuition fee during the suspension of schooling, they need to pay the tuition fee of the school year and the arrearage of tuition fee when back to school.

    Article 8 Except in special circumstances, there is no refund of tuition fee when the term begins. International students could get 80% of the tuition fee back if they submit application form before the term begins.

    Article 9 If international students apply for dropping out before the second term begins after paying tuition fee of the first school year, they need to submit written application and get approval from MBA Education Center. There is no refund of tuition fee of the first term, and the students can get back 80% of the tuition fee of the second term. Thus, MBA Education Center will immediately inform Institute for International Education, GDUFS, which has right to notice the Migration Office to change residence permit or student visa of the above dropout.

    Article 10 According to relevant financial regulations, international students who request a refund must return original receipt, or they could not get it.

    Article 11 International students who do not pay up tuition fee according to the university rules are not allowed to register and apply student visa; degree granting issues of the students in graduate class will not be submitted to Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of GDUFS.

    Article 12 This Provision will be implemented when it is issued and its target groups are those foreign students admitted by MBA Education Center, School of Business, GDUFS, from 2016 and thereafter. If any previous provisions of the school conflict with this Provision, this provision shall prevail.

    Article 13 This Provision is based on the Provision for Students Management of International Students in Institute for International Education, GDUFS. School of Business is responsible for interpreting and implementing this Provision.

    MBA Education Center, School of Business

    Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

    2017, April 20

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