

    MBA New Vision Lecture 45: Chinese brands and their development in Chile

    时间:2016-11-24 浏览:

    Topic: Chinese brands and their development in Chile

    Time: 1330-1530, November 27, 2016

    Speaker: Prof. Marcelo Taito Jara, Santo Tomás University, Chile

    Venue: Room 103, Teaching Building No. 9

    Lecture Outline:

    Chile economics

    Chinese top branding

    China's brands world expansion

    Chinese brands in Chile

    Developing and positioning of Chinese brands in Chile


    Prof. Marcelo Taito Jara, Director of the Temuco City branch of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Santo Tomás University. Mr. Taito also directs the master's programs in business administration (MBA) and a master's degree in international business management (IBM) at the branch in the city of Temuco.

    He has extensive academic and professional experience in the public and private sectors, with more than eight years teaching at business schools in Chile and more than fifteen years in private businesses.

    He has been a business consultant for the development of digital business since 1999. Was in charge of digital and Internet development of Telefónica del Sur (Telco) Company for more than ten years. Professor Taito’s interest areas covers Information and communications technology, marketing, digital entrepreneurship, E-commerce, international business and human relationship in business.

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