

    Report on “Entrepreneurs Entering MBA Class 18E”— “Precision Marketing Powered By Big Data” by Cassie Wu

    时间:2018-12-04 浏览:


    December 1st, Saturday morning, precision marketing specialist Cassie Wu was invited by Professor YuPing Du to 18E Class in GDUFS MBA to give a sharing about precision marketing powered by big data—programmatic advertising in China, from which students had benefited a lot.


    Cassie Wu was doing introduction

    In the presentation, Miss Wu talked about the changes in advertisement models—from mass media to connecting precise audience based on big data algorithm—which is significant to companies to identify their potential consumers. Later on Miss Wu took different ads on e-com pages between male and female users as examples to demonstrate the really practice of programmatic advertising, and revealed how consumers are “stalked” by ads and identified as targeted consumers on demand according to big data algorithm calculation.


    Then Miss Wu talked about how e-com’s market segmentation and tag combinations —using Taobao and JD for illustration—contribute to their great success, giving a deep insight of the importance of marketing segmentation. Also, apart from audience data, there are other methods to target consumers—location, search keywords, weather conditions, contextual clues, etc.

    Futhermore, she insights on the recent Double Eleven Festival: Out-side and in-side programmatic ads played a significant part in the great success behind this biggest annual online sales event—out-side ads were put in social media apps to arouse brand awareness while in-side ads were responsible for retargeting and conversion, following the “ awareness-Interest-purchase-loyalty” funnel. Many co-branding products also appeared based on big data insights.


    At the end of her presentation, Miss Wu gave an overview on the emerging trends in latest precision marketing practices such as cross-screen targeting between smart TV, mobile phone, tablet, as well as programmatic OOH (outdoor ads) on Hivebox.

    In the Q&A session, students actively asked questions and exchanged their views with Miss Wu.



    Students were rising questions


    Miss Wu was answering question

    At the end, class monitor presented a gift to Miss Wu on behalf of Class 18E for her wonderful sharing. Then Professor Du and students took a group photo with Miss Wu to mark the occasion.




    Editor: TA Shania

    Date: December 2, 2018

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