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校级海外名师讲座系列:Frontier Business Forum 73 & MBA New Vision Lecture 53


Topic: FDI & Sustainable Development

Time: 13:30-15:30, December 2nd, 2018

Speaker: Nazha Benabbes Taarji – Aschenbrenner (Director of AIM Congress, Senior Advisor on Investment Promotion and Facilitation)

Venue: Room 103, Teaching Building No. 9


Summary of relevant work experience:

June 2012 to present: Director of AIM Congress, Senior Advisor on Investment Promotion and Facilitation.

31 March 1981 to end February 2012: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva Switzerland

June 2009 - February 2012: Director of the Investment Capacity-Building Branch as well as the Chief of the Business Facilitation Section of the UNCTAD's Division on Investment & Enterprise.

March 2007 - June 2009: Officer-in-Charge of the Enterprise Development Branch of the Division on

Investment and Enterprise

June 2000 - March 2007: Chief of the Investment Promotion Section, which was part of Investment Policies and Capacity Building Branch, at UNCTAD.



The subject matter of this lecture is at the heart of two key policy objectives of our times: promoting foreign direct investment (FDI), and achieving sustainable development.


FDI is  considered to contribute to the increase of domestic capital, to create employment and to raise incomes, to promote technology and to generate transfer of skills through technology and know-how, and to boost host country economies. Investment is seen as the engine of economic growth in the long term. However, FDI may generate negative effects such as the crowding out effects on domestic investment, unfair competition between foreign and domestic companies, as well as the “market steeling effect” as a result of the poor capacity of absorption, leading to market inequalities or contributing to an outflow of foreign exchange. Hence the need to attract FDI of the right kind.

However, current trends have shifted the interest from economic growth and development to green growth and sustainable development and, this leads us to the important question: what is the impact of FDI on green growth, environment and, ultimately, on sustainable development?


The presentation will shed light on the definition of sustainable development and the United Nations 2016 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which state the wider principles of sustainable development. Some of the key questions that would be highlighted are: what is the investor perspective on sustainable investment as opposed to the government perspective and how to make FDI work for sustainable development. How can governments promote and attract sustainable investment effectively and strike collaborative approaches with international firms.
