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Frontier Business Forum 70 & MBA New Vision Lecture 51


Topic: Variety of Capitalism in The Belt and Road Countries and Impact on BRI

Time: 13:30-15:30, November 11th, 2018

Speaker: Dr. Joel Ruet (The founder of The Bridge Tank)

Venue: Room 103, Teaching Building No. 9



Joël Ruet is an expert in renewable energy & nuclear, automotive, agriculture and mining industries on India, China, Africa. He contributes as scientific coordinator to the “Global Vision Program” initiative for Sustainable Mobility Initiative between Fondation Renault & ParisTech “Grandes Ecoles”.

He has been invited as an expert in public policy discussions by several administrations in France, China, India and several countries in Africa. As part of his continued efforts to inform public policy economic reforms he has volunteered as an adviser to several Ministers, and joined campaign teams of presidential candidates.

In his personal capacity, he has been consulted by C-suite teams in Fortune 500 companies, Investment funds and International Agencies.

JOEL RUET先生是 The Bridge Tank 法国桥智库主席和OEEC新兴经济体观察咨询公司的创始合伙人。全球20国智库《Think20》:为20国首脑提供政策简报。他的专长包括能源、新兴国家企业的全球化、国家与工业关系的影响、城市服务的可持续性(水、能源)和城市治理等。他曾在北京的清华大学中国与世界经济中心任访问研究员。自2009年以来,Ruet先生向核能、可再生能源、采矿化学品和汽车等行业的跨国公司高层管理人员提供有关印度和中国问题的咨询。他持有核工程硕士学位,巴黎理工大学的工业经济学博士学位,以及在伦敦经济学院从事博士后。在创办法国桥智库之前,他曾领导了法国国家科研中心在新德里的中心,在德里的尼赫鲁大学执教,为法国和印度政府提供咨询。他也是原国际货币基金组织总裁多米尼克-施特劳斯-卡恩的经济班子成员。


Discussion on the past achievements of the BRI, as well as the challenges.

Categorization of capitalism of the countries in the BRI

Impact on the BRI
