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New Vision Seminars 2013


Topic 1. “Classification Reconsidered: Ethnic and Racial Categorization in the US and China” ,

Time: 17:30-19:30, May 18, 2013

Topic 2. “Avatar of Monopoly: Digital Cinema and the New Capitalism in the United States”
Time: 13:30-16:00, May 19, 2013

Speaker: Clay Steinman (Macalester College, Minnesota), Professor of 2012-2013 U.S. Fulbright Guest Lecture Program

Venue: Room 103, Teaching Building No. 9

Clay Steinman, professor of media and cultural studies, was a journalist for Ralph Nader’s Capitol Hill News Service in the early 1970s after studying at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He received his Ph.D. in Cinema Studies fromNew YorkUniversity, with a focus on US Film History and Critical Theory. He has worked as an editor and writer for The Associated Press, The Nation, and Xinhua/the New China News Agency, among others. He co-authored Consuming Environments: Television and Commercial Culture and numerous articles in leading academic journals. At Macalester he has taught media and film courses, including Film Analysis and Visual Culture; Advanced Film Analysis; and Race and US Silent Film: Griffith/Micheaux. In 2012-2013, he is teachingUSfilm history in relation to modernity and race as a Fulbright Scholar atSouthwestUniversityin Beibei,Chongching,China.

Fulbright Guest Lecture Program
—Since 1983—

The Educational Exchanges staff of the United States Embassy is pleased to offer the 2012-2013 Fulbright Guest Lecture Program to your university.
The U.S. Fulbright Lecturer Program focuses on the development of American studies in Chinese universities. Lecturers with expertise in Law, American History, Economics, Journalism, Media/Culture/Film, and Crop and Soil Science teach in selected host university departments for one or two academic terms.
In order to make the resources represented by the U.S. Lecturers available to the wider academic community in China, the Fulbright Guest Lecture Program, initiated in 1983, financially supports Lecturers’ travel away from their host universities to make presentations to various academic audiences throughout China.
